Integrated Quality, Environment and Health and Safety at Work Policy
The strategic goal of Transagent d.o.o. is quality while preserving natural resources, health and safety at work. To permanently improve the existing integrated management system, and place the client at the center of all business moves and decisions, and thus take care of the customers’ interests.
The market sets high standards for us in terms of prices and quality of agency services in freight and logistics, and therefore we have to respond quickly, professionally and with and with high quality to the meet such demands.
Our vision, long-term practice and acquired reputation in the field as shipping and freight agency oblige us on intensive development and provision of top quality products and services while meeting the needs and requirements of all interested parties and appropriate respect for the environment, health and safety at work. In order to maintain and constantly improve the achieved values, Transagent Ltd. continuously strives to achieve:
Transagent Ltd. ensures its care and orientation towards quality, environmental protection, health and safety of employees at work by continuous customers’ surveys (questionnaires), conducting self-control procedures, conducting internal training, informing and raising awareness of its employees, and by ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 system certification by an independent certification company.
All employees are familiar with the Integrated quality, environment and health and safety at work policy, they accept and understand it and applying it through their daily activities and the execution of assigned tasks. We have subordinated the strategy and business policy to the achievement of these goals, and we want to assure current and future customers and other interested parties that we are a reliable partner in the way of providing quality services.
Quality orientation of all employees of Transagent Ltd. is described by the motto:
„We deliver quality!“
Strateški cilj tvrtke Transagent d.o.o. je kvaliteta uz istovremeno očuvanje prirodnih resursa, zdravlja i sigurnosti na radu. Trajno poboljšavati postojeći integrirani sustav upravljanja, a klijenta postaviti u središte svih poslovnih poteza i odluka, te na taj način voditi računa o interesima kupca.
Tržište pred nas postavlja visoke uvjete u pogledu cijena i kvalitete agencijskih usluga u prometu i logistici, a samim time moramo brzo, stručno i kvalitetno odgovoriti postavljenim zahtjevima.
Naša Vizija, dosadašnja praksa i stečeni ugled u oblasti poslova pomorske i prometne agencije obvezuju nas na intenzivan razvoj i pružanje proizvoda i usluga vrhunske kvalitete uz zadovoljavanje potreba i zahtjeva svih zainteresiranih strana i odgovarajući respekt prema okolišu, zdravlju i sigurnosti na radu. Kako bismo održavali i stalno poboljšavali dostignute vrijednosti, Transagent d.o.o. kontinuirano nastoji ostvariti:
Svoju brigu i usmjerenost ka kvaliteti, zaštiti okoliša, zdravlju i sigurnosti radnika na radu tvrtka TRANSAGENT d.o.o. osigurava neprekidnim anketiranjem kupaca, provođenjem postupaka samokontrole, provođenjem internih edukacija, obavještavanjem i osvješćivanjem svojih radnika, te certifikacijom sustava ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 i ISO 45001:2018 od strane neovisne certifikacijske kuće.
Svi radnici su upoznati s politikom kvalitete, okoliša, zdravlja i sigurnosti na radu, oni je prihvaćaju, razumiju i primjenjuju kroz svoje svakodnevne aktivnosti i izvršavanje postavljenih zadaća. Strategiju i politiku poslovanja podredili smo ostvarenju ovih ciljeva, a sadašnje i buduće kupce i ostale zainteresirane strane želimo uvjeriti da smo pouzdan partner na način pružanja kvalitetne usluge.
Usmjerenost kvaliteti svih zaposlenika Društva Transagent d.o.o. opisuje moto:
“Mi dostavljamo kvalitetu!”